If you asked someone what is meant by "Philately", sometimes he/she can say that philately is collecting stamps as a hobby. As in Wikipedia, Philately is the study of stamps and postal history and other related items.

We know that philately is a very popular hobby in the world. But many of those who doing philately as a hobby, don't know the history of philately. Many casual stamp collectors accumulate stamps for sheer enjoyment and relaxation without worrying about the tiny details.The first postage stamps collector was John Bourke. He was the Receiver-General of Stamp Duties in Ireland in 1774.
The word "philately" is the English version of the French word "philatélie", coined by Georges Herpin in 1864. Herpin stated that stamps had been collected and studied for the previous six or seven years and a better name was required for the new hobby than timbromanie, which was disliked. (The alternative terms "timbromania", "timbrophily" and "timbrology" gradually fell out of use as philately gained acceptance during the 1860s)
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